parents and grandparents sponsorship to canada

Parental Sponsorship Frustrations Abound

   Overhaul of the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (PGP) Intake System     With the very same M.O. with which it does everything else — with a lack of transparency and likely without much research — more like a kneejerk reaction — the Canadian government announced an overhaul of the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (PGP) […]

EXCLUSIVE | Immigrants are more educated but unemployed

Martine Turenne | Money | Published on December 5, 2016 at 17:20 – Updated on December 5, 2016 at 17:30 Montréal is where immigrants are the least well integrated into the labor market. Quebec’s metropolis has the worst North American performance in the gap between the unemployment rate of its citizens who were born there […]

Francophone immigration: if it is a failure in Quebec, what to do in a minority setting?

We have fewer children and only one out of two goes to French school. With early childhood abandonment of the language, we bet on immigration. So what are the results? Ottawa committed to bringing in 4.4% of French-speaking arrivals outside Quebec. But for the past ten years, the rate has stagnated at 1.5%. And two-thirds […]